
class lsst.ts.mthexapod.Position(x: float, y: float, z: float, u: float, v: float, w: float)

Bases: object

The position and orientation of the hexapod pivot point.

This class may also be used for offsets.

The order of the fields matches the order of parameters in the low-level controller command to set position.

x, y, zfloat

x, y, z position (um)

u, v, wfloat

Rotation about x, y, z (deg)

Methods Summary



Construct an instance from any object with fields: x, y, z, u, v, w.

Methods Documentation

classmethod field_names() tuple[str, ...]
classmethod from_struct(data: SimpleNamespace) Self

Construct an instance from any object with fields: x, y, z, u, v, w.