
class lsst.ts.mthexapod.SimpleHexapod(base_positions: list[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]], mirror_positions: list[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]], pivot: tuple[float, float, float], min_length: float, max_length: float, speed: float)

Bases: object

Simple model of a hexapod: 6 linear actuators in an arbitrary arrangement.

The intent is to support the mock hexapod controller; as such this model is somewhat simplistic. The actuators ends are assumed to be perfect point flexures. It is not (yet) possible to compute orientation given actuator lengths.

See make_zigzag_model to make a standard symmetrical zigzag hexapod.

base_positionslist [numpy.ndarray]

Position of the base end of each linear actuator, as a list of z,y,z tuples, one per actuator.

mirror_positionslist [numpy.ndarray]

Position of the mirror end of each actuator at zero orientation, as a list of z,y,z tuples, one per actuator.


The point whose orientation is set by the move command. For a mirror it will typically be the vertex of the mirror.


Mininum actuator length.


Maximum actuator length.


Actuator speed.

Methods Summary


Assert that all actuators would be in range if set to the specified length.

compute_actuator_lengths(mirror_positions, ...)

Compute actuator lengths, given mirror positions.

compute_mirror_positions(pos, xyzrot)

Compute the actuator mirror positions needed to move the pivot point to a specified orientation.

make_zigzag_model(base_radius, ...)

Make a SimpleHexapod of a typical hexapod with 6 actuators in a symmetrical zigzag arrangement.

move(pos, xyzrot)

Move the actuators so the pivot point is at the specified orientation.


Is any actuator moving?


Remaining time for this move (sec).


Stop all actuators.

Methods Documentation

assert_in_range(actuator_lengths: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]) None

Assert that all actuators would be in range if set to the specified length.

compute_actuator_lengths(mirror_positions: list[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]], absolute: bool) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

Compute actuator lengths, given mirror positions.

mirror_positionslist [numpy.ndarray]

Position of the mirror end of each actuator.


If True then return end to end actuator lengths. If False then return lengths relative to neutral lengths; this requires self.neutral_actuator_lengths.


End to end length of each actuator.

compute_mirror_positions(pos: tuple[float, float, float], xyzrot: tuple[float, float, float]) list[numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.float64]]]

Compute the actuator mirror positions needed to move the pivot point to a specified orientation.


Desired x, y, z position of pivot point, relative to the neutral pivot point.


Orientation of translated pivot point, as a rotation about x, then y, then z (deg).

mirror_positionslist [numpy.ndarray]

Resulting position of the mirror end of each actuator.

classmethod make_zigzag_model(base_radius: float, mirror_radius: float, mirror_z: float, base_angle0: float, pivot: tuple[float, float, float], min_length: float, max_length: float, speed: float) Self

Make a SimpleHexapod of a typical hexapod with 6 actuators in a symmetrical zigzag arrangement.

The base ends of the 6 actuators terminate at 3 points at z=0 evenly distributed about a circle of radius base_radius: actuators 0 and 5 terminate at base_angle0, actuators 1 and 2 terminate at base_angle0 + 120, and actuators 3 and 4 terminate at base_angle0 + 240. The mirror ends of the actuators are similarly arrayed, in a plane at z=mirror_z with attachment points rotated 60 degrees from the base attachment points: actuators 0 and 1 terminate at base_angle0 + 60, etc. This makes a zigzag pattern that is circularly symmetric about the z axis.


Radius of base positions of actuators.


Radius of mirror positions of actuators.


z distance between the base ends and the mirror ends of the linear actuators.


Angle of first base actuator point in x,y plane (deg).


The point whose orientation is set by the move command. For a mirror it will typically be the vertex of the mirror.


Mininum actuator length.


Maximum actuator length.


Actuator speed.

move(pos: tuple[float, float, float], xyzrot: tuple[float, float, float]) float

Move the actuators so the pivot point is at the specified orientation.


x, y, z position of pivot point.


Orientation of translated pivot point, as a rotation about x, then y, then z (deg).


Duration of the move (second).

moving(tai: float | None = None) bool

Is any actuator moving?

remaining_time(tai: float | None = None) float

Remaining time for this move (sec).

stop() None

Stop all actuators.